A Memorable Family Dinner with Twisted Olive Lemon Basil EVOO

One of my favorite family dinners was when we introduced Twisted Olive Lemon Basil EVOO. I'll never forget what happened - big news was shared, the main course fell on the floor, and we improvised. It was a night to remember, and it all started with a recipe for Salad Nicoise with salmon.

A Recipe for Disaster (Almost!)

I attempted to make Salad Nicoise with salmon, using a recipe I found online. Disclaimer: I'm not the greatest cook, but I make up for it with enthusiasm and effort Thankfully, I bought extra salmon, which turned out to be a lifesaver. As I prepared the dressing with our Traditional Lemon Basil EVOO, I was feeling pretty good. The dressing tasted great and only had 6 ingredients - my usual limit back then!

Grilling Gone Wrong

As I prepared the salmon, I realized I had never cooked it before. Should I grill or bake it? I opted for grilling, but it wasn't my specialty. All was going well until I tried to flip the salmon (who knew you didn't have to do that?)! It crumbled, and most of it ended up through the grates of the grill. Luckily, I had that extra salmon, so I switched to baking it in the oven, and dinner was saved!

A "Go-To" Recipe

Despite the initial mishap, this recipe has become a favorite, and I often serve it when friends and family come over. The combination of Twisted Olive Lemon Basil EVOO, salmon, and fresh vegetables is a winner. If you're looking for a simple yet impressive recipe, give it a try!

Tips for Cooking Salmon

If you're new to cooking salmon like I was, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Pan-searing, baking, and pan-roasting are all great methods for cooking salmon .

  • Make sure to season the salmon with salt and pepper before cooking .

  • Don't overcrowd the pan, and cook the salmon until it's cooked through .

  • If you're grilling, make sure to oil the grates first to prevent sticking .

With these tips and a bottle of Twisted Olive Lemon Basil EVOO, you'll be well on your way to creating a memorable family dinner of your own!

~~Mary Shearer, Owner, Twisted Olive Imports


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